About us
Helsingin Perinnepurjehtijat ry. was originally started in 1994 by a group of young, active traditional sailors in Helsinki, Finland. In 2023 there was a regrouping, and a new generation of sailors took over the activities, in cooperation with the original members to ensure that the original mission of maintaining the traditional sailing, ropeworks and other ship-related handicraft skills continues.
Outdoor skills
Our projects and events
This is the final part of the story series from our project in Greenland on August 2024. The writer, Annukka Pekkarinen, is a traditional sailor and member of our organisations and was working in our project "Traditional skills in Greenland".
All happens very fast, as fast as plans evolve here in East Greeland where the weather dictates every part of life. Soon Dines and six boys, including the deckhand Ivik, Holger, Ajugutooq, Mikkel and twins Remee & Kenny step on board. We introduce ourselves and give a safety briefing and life on board-briefing in English, translated...
Continuing the story where we left off after first part, you can read the previous blog post here
This story series is written by Annukka Pekkarinen, a traditional sailor, member of our organisation and working for our project "Traditional skills in Greenland".
Contact information
Address: Pohjoisranta 8, 00170 Helsinki
e-mail: info (at) perinnepurjehtijat.fi